High temperature stainless steel extinguishing nozzles

From now on, all our stainless steel extinguishing nozzles are available in the new high-temperature alloy (> 1,100 °C).

Hochtemperatur Edelstahllöschdüsen

They are thus excellently suited for use in semi-stationary extinguishing systems in accordance with VdS 2395.

  • Spray, flat spray and low expansion foam nozzles
  • K22 to K200
  • Pendant or upright
  • 1/2 or 3/4 inch thread
  • VdS approved
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  • QuickFit

    The new EuroSprinkler «QuickFit» is now available.
  • Dry Sprinkler K115 and K160

    Dry Sprinkler K115 and K160
    The latest generation of our dry sprinklers is now available!
  • CMDFP Sprinkler

    CMDFP Sprinkler
    The CMDFP sprinkler was developed as a complement to the CMD K200 spray sprinkler for use in inrack systems. It is the fastest and shortest VdS approved flatspray sprinkler on the market.


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EuroSprinkler AG | Sagmattstrasse 5 | CH-4710 Balsthal | Phone + 41 62 386 18 30 | Fax + 41 62 386 18 40 | nfrsprnklr